ScoutCast & ScoutClass


Scouters!  Connecticut Rivers Council is excited to announce the launch of our very own show for your ears:  The Connecticut Scouter Podcast! 

Check out this episode, Camp Workcoeman- Spotlight on Specialty, here:

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The Connecticut Scouter Podcast, or CSP for short, covers topics of interest for our Scouting families and leaders.  Expect interesting interviews, camp highlights, fantastic advice, and good humor (the laughing kind, not the ice cream.  Although when we’re at camp, we all scream for…oh never mind…) 

CSP Home Page:

The CSP is produced by Connecticut Rivers Council at Baden Studios and is hosted by Jay Messier.

The Podcast will be released bi-monthly on the following Podcast platforms:

  • Anchor
  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • Overcast

Bristol Historical Society Scouters Reunion

An inside look at the Bristols Historical Society Scouting reunion. Goes over the birth of the concept, details. and a shameless plug!

2022 CT Rivers Scout Show

Overview of the upcoming Adventure of Ages Scout Show with Mike Rutty and Alex Cantor. October 21st-23rd at The Haddam Neck Fairgrounds.

NYLT Spotlight

The CSP spotlight on the NYLT 2022 course at JN Webster Scout Reservation.  Interviews with Joe Brady, Dan Carr, Cheryl Constantine, all with the background cadence of camp and a guest appearance of Jack Black?

Specialty Camp Program Planning

As a follow-up to our Spotlight on Specialty- Camp Workcoeman episode, I interview Mattatuck’s Jeromy Nelson & Noah Cross, Workcoeman’s Jeff Seiser, & Cub Daycamp Director Ricki Ann Levesque on their tactics for program planning.

Camp Workcoeman Spolight on Specialty

We spotlight Camp Workcoeman’s year-round programs, with emphasis on their à la carte approach and flexibility for Scouting units. Interview with Program Director Jeff Seiser.

New Leaders Listen Up

Cub Scout Growth Specialist and Cubmaster extraordinaire Ricki Ann discusses the resources and help available to all Scouting units.

ScoutClass is a leadership development series designed for prospective and current leaders.  ScoutClass is a zero fee digital library for our adult Scouters.  Videos are broken down into categories below.  The videos are between 5-15 minutes in length and cover a wide range of topics relevant to unit program. This is for leaders done by leaders and we want to thank them for their contributions.  The ultimate goal of ScoutClass is to be a comprehensive digital library filled with Scouting how to videos from volunteers for volunteers 
If you are interested in doing a topic video for this project please email

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General Scouting

This section will hold topical content from the whole family of Scouting.  From unit marketing, Scoutbook, My.scouting, and more! 

Cub Scouts, both boys and girls, participate in activities at Hoyt Arboretum on Sunday, Jan. 28, 2018 in Portland, Ore. (Craig Mitchelldyer/AP Images for Boy Scouts of America)

Cub Scouts

“Do Your Best”  This section we will have quick how to videos ranging from Pinewood derby, Blue and Golds, Crossovers, how to plan a yearly program, and more!

Scouts BSA

Scouts BSA is our hallmark and traditional program.  We will have videos covering program planning, budgeting, PLC, OA selection, position specific, and more!

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High Adventure

Whether your unit is a venturing unit, Sea Scout unit, or a Troop planning a high adventure trip we have videos for you.