Become a Scouting America Supporter
Support the Connecticut Rivers Council - Scouting America
Our annual fundraising campaigns and events help provide:
Every youth the opportunity to be a Scout, no matter their economic circumstances
First-class camping programs
Support and training for volunteer leaders
Recruitment materials for every unit
Online resources
Professional staff that serves every community
In Connecticut, we are building the leaders of tomorrow. Through Scouting programs and adventures, we inspire lives of leadership, character, and service. Your investment helps support our movement, which instills intelligence and confidence in those who may find themselves without the knowledge or tools to stride toward a promising future. As we pass the torch to the future, it is only right that we provide the skills to succeed and excel.
The development team for questions about planned giving, endowment giving, capital projects, special events, and more contact Development Director Jason Messier at
Special Events
Click the flyer below to view bigger.
Donate Your Old Car
Make an easy donation! Donate your old car in just a few steps!
Call 855-272-1227 or visit
Make sure to mention the Connecticut Rivers Council so your donation can directly affect kids in our communities.

Need help!? Don't hesitate to reach out to us!
Contact Development Director Jason Messier at
Double the Donation
Does your employer have gift-matching programs, Dollars for Doers, grant opportunities, a United Way nonprofit designee, combined federal campaign preferred non-profit, or other giving opportunities. Find out about some of these community programs by clicking Double the Donation above!
For a list of companies that we have on file who do matching gifts or give through Dollars for Doers, click the link below.
The development team for questions about planned giving, endowment giving, capital projects, special events, and more contact Development Director Jason Messier at
Memorials & Tributes
We sincerely appreciate your consideration of a memorial donation in tribute to those who have profoundly impacted Scouting.
The Connecticut Rivers Council - Scouting America serves thousands of local youth and families across Connecticut, providing programs that emphasize the development citizenship, physical and mental resilience, and positive character values.
To make an online donation, please click here, or you may send a check to:
Connecticut Rivers Council
Scouting America
50 State Square, th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
Your memorial donation will help support our programs by ensuring the enduring strength of Scouting for future generations.
The Connecticut Rivers Council extends its gratitude to all volunteers, past, present, and future, who have contributed to inspiring youth in our community and those to come.
For more information regarding planned giving, endowment contributions, capital projects, special events, and more, please reach out to Development Director Jason Messier at