NYLT By and for Youth Leaders. Featuring youth leaders both as staff & participants.
Participants must:
Meet age/rank requirements
ScoutsBSA: Ages 13-17 and First Class or higher rank
Venturers & Sea Scouts: Ages 14-20, or 13+ and finished 8th grade
Complete Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops, Crews, or Ships*
Be registered in a Scouting unit
Have unit leader recommendation
Have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience
Commit to attending the entire course (no leaving early or during the week)
* Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST), Crews (ILSC), and Ships (ILSS) should be offered through a Scout’s home unit. Ask your Unit Leader how you can participate in this course.
NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is BSA’s premier youth leadership development program at the Council Level. It’s an exciting 6-day program designed for youth to learn leadership skills that will help them succeed in Scouting and in life.
This course is NOT full. Please sign up via the Waitlist to register. Make sure you’re one of the 2 Scouts recommended by your unit leader. Scouts will be promoted from the Waitlist to the main registration once their eligibility is confirmed.
Registering for NYLT is on a “waitlist” approach to avoid participants registering and paying without Scoutmaster recommendation. Here’s how waitlist registration works:
Click on the green “Waitlist” box to the right, then “Register Waitlist” from the next screen
Enter the information for the participant(s) you’re signing up for the course
Within a week, we’ll reach out to the participant’s Scoutmaster or unit leader to confirm their recommendation
You’ll receive an e-mail notice to go back in and complete the registration and payment
Registration is complete when participants are fully paid and have submitted the Code of Conduct and complete Health Form.
Scouts who have held leadership roles in their unit and are expected to advance to more senior leadership positions. Participants must be mature enough to spend a week away from their home unit and family.
NYLT is an inspiring, fast-paced mix of learning leadership and team-building skills and putting those skills into practice. Concepts are on par with Wood Badge and corporate programs, in an exciting, fun, outdoor Scouting environment geared toward teens. The course is designed to mimic a month in the life of a Troop, Crew, or Ship, from planning to going on a major event or campout. NYLT is not like summer camp and doesn’t include most summer camp activities, rank advancement, or earning merit badges. It is essential that NYLT participants be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared to handle the demands of this advanced training. In order to get the most benefit from this unique experience, participants must exhibit emotional maturity, a positive attitude, proficiency in basic camping and outdoor cooking, and an ambition to serve in leadership roles.
Behavior at NYLT: Participants agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law, Youth Protection requirements, and the Guide to Safe Scouting. They must be committed to their own personal growth, contributing to a healthy and safe environment on course, and to the overall success of other participants.
For specific questions about the course or the NYLT program overall, contact JNW Course Director Ray Langlois at ctrivers.nylt@gmail.com or Camp Workcoeman Course Director Matthew Kuhr at nylt@campworkcoeman.org.
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