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Merit Badge Counselors

Images of an Eagle Scout merit badge sash and Eagle Scout pin.

The Scouting America’s merit badge program is designed to teach Scouts about a wide variety of topics, with the hopes they’ll discover new interests, new hobbies, or maybe even a future career. But the merit badge program doesn’t work without merit badge counselors.


What is a merit badge counselor?

A merit badge counselor is a responsible adult with knowledge and enthusiasm about a career, hobby or other subject who is willing to share that knowledge and enthusiasm with Scouts.


Don’t Scouts BSA troops already have adult leaders who are merit badge counselors?

Each Scouts BSA troop has a Scoutmaster, the adult leader who ensures the rules of Scouting America are being followed; a chartered organization representative, the adult who serves as the direct contact between the troop and the chartered organization; and a committee chair, who serves as the leader of the committee of adult volunteers that supervises the troop.

Additionally, there might be assistant Scoutmasters, a treasurer, a secretary, and other adult volunteers.
Some of these adults might also be merit badge counselors, but there are more than 135 merit badges out there. They can’t do them all!

They need the support of other merit badge counselors dedicated to teaching one or more merit badges.

The merit badge program does more than develop new skills. It can reveal lifelong hobbies or be the inspiration to pursue a career. But none of that would be possible without merit badge counselors.


General Information:


Becoming a Counselor or Adding/Removing Badges:


Annual Counselor Reregistration:


Scoutbook and Merit Badge Counselors


Things All Counselors Should Do:


Merit Badge Counselor Training:


A small pile of merit badges
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