Outdoor Adventures
The Connecticut Rivers Council offers a wide variety of outdoor programs to meet the needs & interests of our Units, Scouts, and their adult leaders. From Tiger Cubs through Scouts BSA and Venturers, a wide variety of program opportunities are offered at our year-round camps across Connecticut.
Scouts that camp have more fun and stay in Scouting longer. From spending time with your friends and fellow Scouts rock-climbing, campfires, and sailing into the sunset to building rockets, earning merit badges and working towards becoming an Eagle Scout, it’s all there – memories that will last a lifetime. Make sure your Scouts have those memories!
The Connecticut Rivers Council has some of the finest properties in the Northeast. Whether you are part of a religious, school, or Scouting group, we are pleased you are considering us for your next conference, summer camp, camp out or weekend activity.
Every few years, the BSA updates its Annual Health and Medical Record after consulting with health care professionals, Scout executives, council and camp health officers and other experts to ensure it is up-to-date and helpful.
The state of Connecticut requires additional paperwork that we named part D. The complete form for Connecticut Camps can be downloaded by clicking the button below.
***All Scouters (Adult Volunteers) and eligible Scouts are strongly encouraged to get the vaccine early & prior to attending summer camp so that they are fully vaccinated by the time they arrive at camp.
The Connecticut Rivers Council makes an effort to see that all Scouts have the chance to benefit from the programs offered at our three Camps. Should a Scout’s family be in a financial situation where assistance is needed, they may apply for a campership. Please know that camperships do not cover the full cost of registration, and are subject to approval by the Campership Committee.